METANOISE is a tool which analyses how noisy our thoughts might be. By taking part in this experience, you'll let the algorithm interpret your data.

You're entering a safe place: all of your answers will be temporarily stored in order to generate an artwork which can be then saved and uploaded to the archive.

Before you start, be sure to find a space whithout any distractions and that makes you feel in control.

Click START when you're ready.

Are humans free?

Have you ever cried looking at yourself in the mirror?

If there was a button to restart your entire life, would you press it?

How often do you feel regretful?

How does the dream end?

Is it important to love yourself more than of other people?

You just found out that your friends' partner has cheated on them. Would you tell them?

How invisible do you feel?

When did you realize that you are alone?

How many people have suffered because of you? Was it worth it?

Have you ever enjoyed hurting someone?

Have you ever fantasized about murdering your father?

To kill or to be killed?

How likely you'd be willing to sacrifice yourself to save somebody else?

What could justify capital punishment?

Have you ever cried during sex?

Have you ever thought about having sex with someone you shouldn't?

Taking control or being submissive?

How safe would you feel while sexting?

How would you feel if you found out that your partner had cybersex?

Is science a religion?

Would you give up your beliefs for someone else?

How close are you to happiness?

What is stopping you from feeling complete?

What saves us?

Where do we go when we die?

Processing your thoughts.
Please hold on.